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Thank You Notes

Following an interview, it is appropriate to write the interviewer(s) a letter(s) expressing appreciation.  Reiterate your interest in the position and follow up on any information the employer asked you to provide after the interview.  You should send a thank you note within two days after the interview. 

Sample Thank You Notes



Before sending a follow-up, send a thank you card, email, or letter, to the interviewer.  If you do not receive a response within two weeks after your interview and thank you note, it is appropriate to send a formal follow-up email.  Include your personal information, the position you applied for and the date of interview. 


Managing an Offer

Congratulations!  You have received a job offer.  However, there are a few considerations before you should accept.


Job Content

  • Are you excited about the job and the responsibilities and tasks that will help you toward your long-term career goals?
  • Will you enjoy being a part of this team?
  • Do your values and interest fit your future work environment?


Salary and Benefits

  • Does the salary reach your financial obligations?
  • Are there any special perks such as travel, insurance, memberships etc.


Location and lifestyle

  • Is the job located in an area where you would like to live?
  • Will you have to move?
  • How long is the commute? 

Multiple Job Offers


If you receive multiple job offers, and it is preventing you from making a quick decision…


  • It is acceptable to let an employer know that you are considering another offer.  Knowing that there is competition may encourage an employer to make a more attractive offer. However, be time conscious, maybe an employer needs to hire someone immediately.
  • Make a list of pros and cons for each offer. This will help you make a better decision and see the differences more clearly.
  • Consider the long-term benefits for each job, not just the immediate ones. 




Before you accept the offer, it is within your rights to negotiate things that you may be concerned about. You should always compose your negotiation on paper; verbal negotiations could lead to complications. 


Here are a few examples that are worth negotiating:

  • You may negotiate no more than a 10% higher salary if the pay does not reach your financial circumstances.
  • You may also negotiate your start day if you have future commitments planned during that time.
  • You are also allowed to negotiate some time off for highly important commitments such as a wedding, religious ceremony, etc. 


Employers usually give a two-week time period for you to either accept or decline the offer. During this time you should select the most important items that are worth negotiating.  When negotiating, explain your enthusiasm, but also iron out the few details or requests that you are worried about. However, NEVER frame your negotiations as demands or you might just lose the entire offer.