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Mentorship in Business

Global Mentorship Initiative (GMI)

UC Merced and GMI have partnered to bring career readiness mentoring opportunities to UC Merced students and recent alumni to ensure they graduate prepared to enter the workforce. Students are matched with mentors from over 100 companies, including Microsoft, LinkedIn, and Orange. The mentorship focuses on building confidence and developing  transferable skills applicable across any industry.

GMI’s structured mentorship program consists of 12 one-hour virtual sessions via a videoconferencing platform. Students and mentors set their own schedule. There is no obligation to maintain contact beyond the 12 weeks. The GMI program leverages digital resources to create real, human connections that transcend distance and difference.

Eligible students must be:

  • In the final 2 years of bachelor’s degree and not pursuing further education, or
  • Recently graduated and looking for your first career

Learn more and Apply Today!