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School of Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts (SSHA)

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Meet Lezly Juergenson - School of SSHA Career Specialist

Message to Students

Welcome to the new school year, 2024-25, new and returning Bobcats!!  Make an appointment with me to build or freshen up your resume, design your LinkedIn profile, discover career options and plan your next steps. I look forward to working with you. Make an appointment today. 


"This is a wonderful day. I have never seen this one before.- Maya Angelou

Fall 2024 Information

Join SCC in the Fall for Careers with SSHA Degrees, the Professional Development LIVE Series, the Career Fairs and many employer events ! All events will be listed on Handshake!! Make an appointment today.

Fall 2024 Drop-ins 

SEPT. 13th 1-3PM- COB-1, Rm. 320  

OCT. 11th 1-3PM- COB-1, Rm. 320 

 NOV. 22nd 1-3PM- Kolligian Library 360  



Picture of Lezly Juergensen