USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Presenter: Scott Turner, USDA NRCS - Field Office Engineer, Merced, CA.
What is the USDA NRCS? Learn about the agency, its mission, worked carried out by NRCS Engineers throughout the state, and student opportunities! N
RCS conservationists provide technical expertise and conservation planning for farmers, ranchers and forest landowners wanting to make conservation improvements to their land.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Presenter: Scott Turner, USDA NRCS - Field Office Engineer, Merced, CA.
What is the USDA NRCS? Learn about the agency, its mission, worked carried out by NRCS Engineers throughout the state, and student opportunities! N
RCS conservationists provide technical expertise and conservation planning for farmers, ranchers and forest landowners wanting to make conservation improvements to their land.
Presenter: Terry Duncil, USDA OCIO/CEC/TSD
The evolution of technology in the private & public sectors and the importance to continuing to build tech skills beyond a 4-year education!
What's it like working in an agricultural research lab?
Presenter: Dr. Rachel Naegele, USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Research Horticulturalist
What's it like working in an agricultural research lab?
Presenter: Dr. Rachel Naegele, USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Research Horticulturalist
The Environmentally Modified Plant
Barbara Demmig-Adams, PhD Professor of Distinction, Dept. of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology University of Colorado, Boulder